
Our Solutions

VERSIUS Surgical Robotic System

Versius® is the only small and modular surgical robot powered by a digitally native ecosystem. This surgical robot has been specifically designed to meet the needs of patients, surgeons and the surgical team. By providing minimal access surgery with enhanced accuracy and control for complex procedures, Versius helps surgeons and surgical teams to deliver high-quality surgical...


RoboticScope is not just a digital microscope; it's a groundbreaking leap in surgical technology. By integrating advanced 3D visualization controlled by head gestures, it offers an unprecedented level of precision and control in surgical procedures. This innovation is transforming the way surgeons interact with their operative field and have complete freedom in their posture during surgery....

AquaBeam Robotic System

Aquablation therapy addresses the compromises associated with alternative surgical interventions, by delivering effective, safe, and durable outcomes that are independent of prostate size and shape, or surgeon experience. Other surgical options require patients to compromise between safety and efficacy, either providing significant symptom relief but with a heightened risk of irreversible complications or a lower risk...

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